
During BARNLEK 2023 dances from all the Nordic countries will be danced. You can also try different crafts, play folk music and make new friends. There will also be an inauguration party, a big parade through the town and dance performances before the closing ceremony puts an end to the whole festival.




When you are tired from all the dancing you can take a break and to some crafts or play some games in our crafts and games area - the activity room. Here you can do crafts, play board games or just relax for a while. The activity room is open almost all the time (except nights).

The participants at BARNLEK 2023 have the opportunity to participate with their dance group in PR shows around Lerum. Registration for this is done in connection with registration for the general meeting. Doing a PR show is a way to advertise the folk dance, while the group has fun and gets a chance to rehearse a show together.

To create a fantastic finish of BARNLEK 2023, with dancing, singing and music from all of the Nordic countries, we need you – if you are a youth into dancing and/or playing and instrument. Together with professional musicians and dancers, you will create a firework of music and dances, for everyone to participate in, for the closing party on Saturday July 15.


Read more: Together in the North

Here is an overview in Swedish of the programme over most of the things happening during BARNLEK 2023 in Lerum, available to download: Programme updated May 23rd, 2023 (pdf)



Try the special music written for the participants at BARNLEK 2023. It is called Kalaspolka which could translate to Party polka - it will be like a party when we meet.



Read more: Kalaspolka

Playing together is fun. But what games are played in toher countries? At BARNLEK 2023 you will learn different types of games from all the Nordic countries. Perhaps you will find a new favourite?


Welcome to the inauguration of BARNLEK 2023. We gather outside Lerum's gymnasium and start the festival with singing, music and balloons. Children from the different countries will show their co-dances. The inauguration will end with a big clapping-rocket! You do not need to wear your national costume, but please wear your BARNLEK t-shirt!



Read more: Inauguration

There will be plenty of chances to dance at BARNLEK 2023. Dance courses with exciting dances from the different Nordic countries will be offered during the day. Instructors will show and explain the dance before we dance together. There will be an easier level för the younger dancers and a little more difficult for those who are older.

During the evening dances the dances will be easy and fun to participate in. In the end of the evening the dance floor will be open for those who wants to dance, play or sing with out instructions.

During the festival, you will also be able to dance performances in the city and participate in the National performance programs where all participants participate.


Read more: Dance

We sing together in all languages both in courses, in dance and in play. At every meeting we sing songs from two different nordic countries. How do you sing a birthday song in the other countries? Here you have an opportunity to learn the birthday songs.




Music groups coming to BARNLEK 2023 are offered courses and the opportunity to do performances, play to dance and play with like-minded people.  At BARNLEK 2023 there is a special offer for you who are born between 2007 and 2010 – you can register for Together in the North.

Obviously, BARNLEK 2023 will end with a splash of colour, music and joy. It will be a great dance and music performance created by the participants in “Tillsammans i Norden”. All participants at BARNLEK 2023 will be on stage during the closing. Feel free to put on your national costume.


During BARNLEK 2023 there are plenty of possibilities for excursions. The cost for these excursions is not included in the registration fee. We have two excursions that can be booked with the registration and payed with the rest of the cost. We also have suggestions of what to do and places to visit that you can arrange on your own.

Read more: Excursions at BARNLEK 2023