
Do you want to get in touch with us? Do you have questions about BARNLEK 2023? We are organized in four different groups; the board group, PR and registry, food and accommodation and the programme group. Send an email to the group caring for the issues related to your question. Please exchange (a) for @ in the addresses below.


The board group: styrgrupp(a)barnlek2023.se

For contact with the chair, the secretary and the treasurer.



PR & Registry: support(a)barnlek2023.se

For questions about registration, public relations, press material, sponsorship, officials, etc.



Food and Accommodation: support(a)barnlek2023.se

For questions about food, accommodation and premises.



Programme group: support(a)barnlek2023.se

For questions about the programme, dance, music, the common dances, excursions and more.




Picture description: Pictures on most of the people in the four different groups with T-shirts from different BARNLEK from many years.

Which T-shirts do you recognize from camps/festivals you have been to before?