Welcome to BARNLEK 2023 in Lerum
Tack/Kiitos/Thank you!
Thank you so much! You have been wonderful. Lots of lovely dancing, music, and craft. A great BARNLEK! We have not been able to post any pictures on the website during the week. But we will soon (give us a few weeks).
While you wait you can look at the picture in "Lerums tidning" about our wonderful festival.
Folkdansstämma lockar nordiska barn och ungdomar till Lerums arena - An article about BARNLEK before it started.
Folklig dansfest när BARNLEK 2023 invigdes i Lerums arena - About the opening and Språk i Norden.
Hundratals barn dansade genom centrum - About the rainy parade.
Please keep in touch in social media. We will post more in the coming weeks.
Below is a taste of the pictures to come.
We are happy to finally welcome you to BARNLEK 2023. It will be in Lerum, Sweden!
Lerum is a pleasant town just a short trip from Gothenburg. In the near future, the pages here will be filled with information about BARNLEK 2023. There will be dancing, crafts, parades, concerts, songs and more dancing.